My PM Fit - Negotiation Guarantee

My PM Fit Negotiation Service Money-Back Guarantee

Last updated: August 21, 2024

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Full Money-Back Guarantee Terms & Conditions

My PM Fit offers a full money-back guarantee (the "Guarantee") on the negotiation services provided (the "Service"), subject to the following terms and conditions, which are hereby incorporated into the agreement between My PM Fit and the Client ("You" or "Client"):

1. Eligibility Requirements:

To qualify for the Guarantee, the Client must provide verifiable proof of the following:

  • Years of Experience: Documentation that substantiates the Client's professional experience relevant to the role under negotiation.
  • Initial Offer: A bona fide initial offer (the "Initial Offer") from the prospective employer, detailing the proposed compensation package, including base salary, bonuses, equity, and other financial components.
  • Final Offer: A final offer letter (the "Final Offer") from the prospective employer, issued after the completion of the Service, which details the agreed-upon compensation package.
  • 4-Year Compensation Projection: Documentation comparing the projected total compensation over a period of four (4) years following the acceptance of the Final Offer, including all forms of compensation such as base salary, bonuses, equity, and other financial benefits, to the original 4-year compensation outlined in the Initial Offer.

Clients must submit all required documentation within 14 days of receiving their Final Offer to remain eligible for the Guarantee.

2. Guarantee Activation and Non-Negotiation Clause:

The Guarantee is activated if the projected total compensation over the four-year period, as stipulated in the Final Offer, does not meet or exceed the guaranteed amount as specified by My PM Fit for the selected service tier. The comparison will be made between the original 4-year compensation total from the Initial Offer and the projected 4-year compensation total from the Final Offer. The Guarantee is null and void if:

  • The Client fails to provide complete and accurate documentation within the required timeframe.
  • The Client makes any changes, counteroffers, or accepts modifications to the compensation package without consulting and receiving prior approval from My PM Fit.
  • The Client goes "off script" and does not follow the guidance or instructions provided by My PM Fit during the negotiation process.

The guaranteed amounts for each tier are as follows:

  • Junior Package: Minimum $5,000 increase in projected 4-year total compensation.
  • Senior Package: Minimum $17,000 increase in projected 4-year total compensation.
  • Executive Package: Minimum $50,000 increase in projected 4-year total compensation.

In addition, if the Client does not receive any offer or if My PM Fit is unable to negotiate any offers on behalf of the Client within the 90-day period following the purchase of the Service, the Client will be eligible for a full refund. My PM Fit will verify the absence of offers or negotiation activity, and upon confirmation, a full refund of the Service fee will be issued within 7 business days from the date of verification.

3. Exclusions and Limitations:

The Guarantee does not apply if:

  • The Client provides false, misleading, or incomplete information regarding their experience or compensation history.
  • The prospective employer rescinds or alters the Initial Offer.
  • The Service is used for negotiations unrelated to the specific Initial Offer.
  • The compensation changes due to factors outside the scope of negotiation, such as company-wide pay cuts or promotions not directly tied to the negotiated role.

4. Refund Process:

If all conditions of the Guarantee are satisfied and My PM Fit confirms the validity of the Client's claim, a full refund of the Service fee will be issued. The refund will be processed within 7 business days from the date of approval.

By engaging the Service, the Client agrees to be bound by these terms. My PM Fit reserves the right to modify or terminate the Guarantee at any time, with such changes not affecting claims made prior to the modification or termination.

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